with Dr. Christine Matheson, ND
August 16, 17 & 18, 2022 at 1:00-2:00 PM ET Daily
Discover powerful yet easy self-care strategies to uplevel your belly health and how this can transform your complete vitality. Bloating, constipation, period pain, challenges conceiving or menopausal pelvic symptoms benefit from a holistic approach that addresses underlying causes. Learn about practical & empowering techniques to release the commonly hidden tension many of us hold in our bellies & how this can help you to start putting your health back into your own hands.
and find out if this powerful practice also known as "uterine massage" that only takes 5 mins a day, is right for you & why so many women which they'd known about sooner.
so that you can have regular digestive flow, improved hormonal health, more predictable periods, fertility support and a smoother menopausal transition.
and discover why it's essential to repair the nervous system to manage the profound impact stress can have on digestion, menstruation, conception and menopause.
All of our vital organs live in the belly region yet it's rarely taught to get to know and listen to this part of your body. In several ancient healing approaches though, all treatments begin with laying the hands on the belly to find out what's happening in the rest of the body. Knowing how to support, nourish and keep the area of your belly well plays a pivotal role in your wellness.
Hi! I’m Christine Matheson, naturopathic doctor and creator of Belly Be Well™ programs. I’ve been practicing as a licensed naturopathic doctor for over 21 years in the area of women’s health and I’m proud to be one the one of the only Arvigo® practitioners in Canada who is able to educate more women about this valuable technique.
My own belly health challenges, IBS and irregular periods, led me to learn many healing strategies and having these self-care practices, some of which I'll be sharing in this workshop, made a huge difference in my life.
If you’ve been wanting to feel more flow and ease in your belly to digest your best, have easier periods, support your fertiity or have a smoother menopause, come and join me to find out about how these powerful self-care techniques could help.
See you there,